Empty attic in the house with mineral wool insulation

Estimating Your Heating And AC Project With Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning

The first concern for most of our clients is the estimated price of completion. We are proud to provide you with a free estimate for our customers, but to do this accurately, we do need some information on the scope of the job.

Preparing for Your Estimate

To help ensure we have all the data necessary to give you the best value for your dollar, here are some items that you can gather before submitting your project to us for an estimate. The more information we have, the easier it will be for us to giving you the exact cost of the project you need completed.

With just these bits of information:

  • Blueprints of the building
  • Specifications of Equipment
  • Scope of Work

Blueprints of the Building

Knowing the layout and structure of the building is important to composing an estimate for your project. To understand what we will be working with, the blueprints should show:

  • All floors including the basement
  • Elevations that show the wall heights
  • Site plan that shows which direction the building is facing
  • Electrical plan to determine fan locations

If plans are not available a site visit may be required.

Use and Comfort Level

We understand that houses and renovations come in all levels of budget and personal needs. To help you stay within your budget, and meet your customer’s needs, we have a large variety of equipment available. A basic description of your budget and special requirements (allergies, humidity, etc.) will help the selection process.
If we are replacing equipment, the specifications of what is existing is of great value. The model number of the current furnace (usually found on the inside of the cabinet) and the air conditioner (usually found on one of the outside corners) will be of help. Please include any other accessories that are attached to system (E.G. Humidifier, thermostat, air cleaner).

To help us understand what will be required for installation, please provide a detailed outline of the scope of work you need us to provide. To help us visualize, photographs of the general area are greatly appreciated if you can include them. By providing us with as much detail as possible, we can in turn provide you with an accurate estimate for your HVAC installation project. It’s easy to get started. Use our online estimate contact form to input and upload your estimate request or give Service Experts a call at 403-279-5760. As always, we are available to meet with you on-site.

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